On NOT Learning Hitting From Ted Williams

Topps Refused to make Rich Rich.
Read the Sig!

 I loved hearing from former catcher Rich Billings. Some retired players can’t get beyond stats. Billings remembers the FEELINGS of trying to be a major leaguer.

He has some good days to savor, including his first career homer off John Hiller and the World Champion Tigers on Sept. 22, 1968. In Cleveland, July 5, 1971, his 3-for-5 day featured a grand slam! Thanks, http://www.retrosheet.org/.

The first question I had was in trying to please manager Ted Williams, once seen as the world’s greatest hitter. Billings wrote:

“Ted Williams was a very intense individual who seemed to have ‘several’ personalities, all at different times. He was the most dynamic personality I was ever around.

He became very frustrated at teaching hitting to us, simply because we didn’t have his God-given talent to carry out his instructions.”

Billings followed Williams and the Senators from Washington to Texas. How was the transition?

“At first, we were very sad to leave D.C. We knew Texas was football country, but after a year or two, the fans really accepted us.”

No one may have felt the Texas heat more than a catcher like Billings.

“The heat didn’t seem to be much of a factor, except on days that were a double-header or it got over 100 degrees.

When you’re young, I guess the heat is a non-issue. Now, I hate July and August here in Texas.”

Yes, you guessed the state where Billings lives. Once a Ranger, always a Ranger?

Boston Bill Monbouquette’s Career Confession

Same Great Sig, Same Humor!

Beloved Boston Red Sox pitcher Bill Monbouquette has faced challenges bigger than any hitter of late. Diagnosed with leukemia, he underwent a bone marrow transplant. He’s endured, maintaining a healthy sense of humor.

I looked at his career stats, namely his 78 complete games and 18 shutouts. I noted he was an “inning eater.” How did he carry such a workload? Before answering, Monbouquette agreed with me. I felt like Agatha Christie, getting the butler to say that he did it.

“Yes, I was an inning eater.

“I threw every day. Wanted that stiffness out of my body.”

He learned about pitching through one of the world’s greatest hitters: Ted Williams.

“Loved talking to Ted about baseball. ‘Pitch ahead. Make the hitter hit your pitch.'”

How popular was the hurler? Check out the song he inspired!

This Catcher Called for Gaylord Perry’s Spitter

Same Autograph As 1967!

Jack Hiatt wore many caps in his baseball career:

1. Catcher-first baseman
2. Partner-in-crime
3. Director of Player Development, San Francisco Giants

Yep. Hey? What was that second one?

I asked about handling Hall of Famer Gaylord Perry’s “special” pitch. Did umpires ever object?

Hiatt didn’t mince words, writing:

“With Gaylord, he threw his spitter off a fastball sign I gave him. I had to adjust to it! Easier than you would have thought!”

Hiatt is an unsung hero to Giants fans who have rejoiced in the team’s post-season appearance. Hiatt retired after a 16-year career discovering and stockpiling talent. How did he measure his annual success in years when San Francisco didn’t have perfect seasons?

“As long as we could give the Big Club a choice of three to four players, it was a successful year! We had always had, and have, a lot of pitching with us now, and spread all over the major league due to trades.”

Lastly, don’t forget that Hiatt knew how to swing the bat. Exhibit A: April 25, 1969, all before the Candlestick faithful. As he tells it:

“On April 25th, 1969, my first AB with Willie Mays on first and two out, I hit a two-run HR to RF. In the 7th, RBI single and in the 13th, a grand slam walk-off to right center!”

Thanks, http://www.retrosheet.org/, for the coverage!

When Would Rogers Hornsby Sign The Most?

“People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.”

— Rogers Hornsby
I couldn’t help but think of Hornsby’s famous quote. That’s the reason I accelerate my TTM letter writing after the regular season ends. I know that minor league coaches are back home (as evidenced by Mark Dewey’s reply). Also, some current players are famous for letting the letters pile up during the regular season.
I’m thinking of the retirees, however. Come World Series time, they may start missing their past life. Signing autographs and sharing memories may be the next best thing to being there. I think October is a fine time to start amping up the fan mail quantity.
Readers: when do you get the most replies from retirees?
By the way, you need to stop by the Baseball Almanac quotes page to see the other tidbits of wisdom “Rajah” left behind. He even talked about autographs!

Three Lessons From Former Players

Who needs fortune cookies? The hobby has been sending me messages! Such as…

1. This hobby is humbling: When Mark Dewey replied politely, he began his letter, “Dear Mr. Owens.” People called my Dad MISTER. That means I’m old?!?

2. Count your hits, not your misses: This coming week, I’ll share a fantastic reply from RICH Billings, the 1970s catcher. He made an incredible observation about Ted Williams. What I’ll try not to bemoan is how the envelope looked like an origami project run amok. Mister Billings had enclosed a card. Not since I put dupes in my bike spokes has such a result been seen. Nonetheless, I’m grateful to the Postal Service. This was my first disabled list envelope in eight months.

3. Don’t believe every card you read: If any of you write to Billings, note that he is not a DICK. The 1971 Topps card reproduced his signature as RICH BILLINGS. Still, Topps insisted on identifying him as “Dick.” Billings signs his autograph as “Rich.” Even his return address label confirms his first name of choice.

Readers: what lessons have your TTM responses taught you?