Here come the Valentine’s Day cards!
The news should be music to an autograph collector’s ears. Pay attention to the store selling (and restocking!) greeting cards. I won’t name the good people at the nearby drugstore, because they might get scolded by management or the card distributors.
My wife and I saw a stack of empty envelopes on the counter. The checker smiled.
“Help yourself. Take all you want.”
Big, red envelopes. Greeting card sized envelopes! I assume these were headed for a recycling bin.
Yes, envelopes aren’t expensive. The point is finding an expressive envelope. If a retiree is sorting mail, your odd-sized letter will need to go in a festive pile of its own.
Plus, using unwanted greeting card envelopes is cheaper than sending chocolates!
Tomorrow: Tony Oliva’s Christmas gift to a collector!