Me. Me. Me.
No matter how well you do in making your case to a current or former player, chances are your request might seem like just another demand to an autograph signer.
What if someone convinced a potential signer that the request was for them, them, them?
Tim Virgilio has done that with his “Signatures for Soldiers” charity, raising more than $3,000 to benefit Military Missions in Action.
Nick Diunte and his Baseball Happenings site shined (as usual) getting Tim to share his vision of what autographs can do for the greater good. Nick’s feature pointed out that Woody Williams and Jim Leyritz were the first two notables to aid the Signatures for Soldiers team.
Tim is a licensed clinical social worker who has worked with former combat veterans for the last nine years. He chose carefully in finding an organization that’s adept at serving disabled vets.
To find out how you can purchase autographs for a great cause or help Tim’s efforts, write to him at signaturesforsoliders@yahoo.com or find the Facebook page by the same name.
Thank you, Tom, for the kind words and helping to spread the word about my Signatures For Soldiers campaign to raise awareness, support, and money for disabled military veterans.