I don’t know how I feel about the 2020 baseball season starting in one week.
Empty ballparks?
Artificial crowd noise?
Players and umpires sitting out the season over fears of COVID?

There are too many question marks for me to be all in for this mini-season.
If you’re unsure about the state of the 2020 season, say so in your baseball letters. Or, if you believe that baseball is still baseball, add that.
Here’s a hunch I’ll share. I think retirees can’t help but have strong feelings about the 2020 season.
Did the ex-player you’re writing to ever play in a game at an empty ballpark? What was it like?
If he was playing today, would they agree to play in this oddest of seasons? Why or why not?
Would this former player wear a face mask during games? Why or why not?
You get the idea. Cook up some questions of your own. Connecting today’s headlines to a retiree’s past career is unique and personal. Your letter will stand out.
Show the intended recipient of your letter that you are a true fan. Your extra effort may bring bigger dividends in your mailbox soon.