Jerry Seinfeld Inspires A Collector

Jerry Seinfeld knows humor. However, there’s nothing funny about this productivity advice that he used in his career.

Beginning in 2007, the Internet buzzed with reports that Seinfeld gave advice to a budding comedy writer. Do something. Every day, do something. Mark your efforts on a calendar. The successful days link together.

“Don’t break the chain!”

I read on a hobby website this week several collectors writing about getting sick of writing letters. They’d write and send a bazillion autograph requests in one month, then let the hobby slide.

Not me. One a day. One letter a day. Every day.

Sure, I’d like a tsunami of responses in the mailbox. I’m not going to ignore the rest of my life, though, only to combust from hobby burnout. Pacing! Link by link, my hobby chain grows and strengthens.

Thanks, Jerry.